About Bonnie


After building and personally leading an award-winning insurance agency from the ground up these last 35 years, it is time to return to my roots. At my core I am an educator- I have educated clients on all things insurance for decades. For the sheer joy of it, I produced & presented over 40 insurance continuing education courses, as well as countless talks to service, church, and business organizations.

With plans to be a college professor, I earned a B.A.in History, launching directly into graduate school at the University of Virginia. Graduate school did not take, so, I joined the #1 company in the insurance world. I was the first woman assigned to field inspections for homeowners claims in my state for my company; shortly thereafter I was tapped to recruit the best candidates for our all-American workforce. Three years later, I felt a need to return to the field again, where the “build your own business” bug bit hard.

After 44 years in the insurance world, I retired in December of 2021.

Now, it is time to offer training in two critical areas:

The StarTeam Hiring Process, a complete hiring and managing system, came about after a year of back-to-back hiring in 2018 as staff-parish chair at my large church. This five-module presentation makes it easy to get it ALL done. You learn to define the job, hire for team and position competencies, trust but verify reference & previous employers, and develop S.M.A.R.T. goals that can be reviewed and managed in 5 hours per team member per year. This course will work for small businesses, non-profits, and medium to large churches. And yes, some are saying this needs to be put in a book format, too.

The College Cost Crisis is devouring our children, our retirement, and our family culture. If you could get almost 2 years of college credits for less than $3,500, would you want to? If that would cut your loans in half, would you do it? And how do I nurture my student in the direction that maximizes their talents or gifts? I cover all of those important questions. My book, ENOUGH! The College Cost Crisis, debuted in March 2020 with three, #1 New Release designations from Amazon books. Now that Covid is waning, I am eager to be back out sharing the best ideas from my book with parents of middle and high school students.

If you need help in either arena, reach out to me @ bburkett@triad.rr.com.

All my best,
